About John
John Odlum
“Nature includes everyone and everything and judges no one in her loving embrace.”
This message came to me so clearly years ago while meditating in Nature amongst tall Pine trees. Over the years, in my observation and exploration with Nature I have remembered that focusing our intention on self-love, acceptance, forgiveness and embracing all aspects of ourselves is the key to all healing, no matter what ails you. These are keys to freedom from suffering. Nature doesn’t suffer, she adapts and finds a way to thrive no matter what environment, and we have that same capacity and choice within all of us.
Early in my life, I often found myself suffering. Whether it was depression, anxiety or some other imbalance. I was never happy with myself. Always seeking answers from outside myself.
I have always been a seeker. A seeker of truth. I had been simply looking in all the wrong places.
When my suffering became great enough and nothing outside of me was helping, I started to look inside. My heartfelt desire for change led me to discover meditation, which completely saved my life.
I started to be able to observe myself and my thoughts with less judgment, and finally started to get to know who I really was.
On my path, I learned that my intuition is always right. It never has led me astray. All I needed to do was follow its instructions and learn to trust myself. I stopped listening to the negative self -talk and programs.
As I did, my life changed dramatically….I became an LMT, studied many healing modalities, all of which added to my growth( Theta Healing, Quantum Touch, Reiki, to name a few) Then I moved to Sedona, Arizona where I connected with Wisdom of the Earth pure medicinal essential oils and Barry Kapp, a dear mentor and friend.
Here I learned the power of those words that were given to me while meditating in Nature. The plants and trees became my friends and allies. My life deepened and self-love began to emerge in the place of fear. The more I opened myself to Nature, the better I understood my heart and myself. I began to trust again.
Tru Elements was created as an expression of my passion for working with the Elements of Nature to bring about healing and an end to suffering on all levels of being.
I came back to the East coast full of purpose, ready to share all that I had learned.
Tru Elements was created as an expression of my passion for working with the Elements of Nature to bring about healing and an end to suffering on all levels of being.
As I went deeper in my healing practice, I developed a system of healing called Tru Belief Healing. These transformative sessions marry all the healing tools I use to help alleviate suffering and bring you to your most authentic self.
I work with pure intent, and an open compassionate heart. I use only the purest of Nature’s healing tools to create a safe and nurturing space for you to explore your inner world. I embrace all aspects of yourself without judgment so you can move beyond your limited beliefs and into your true limitless nature.
After 18 + years of working with clients and teaching classes on medicinal aromatherapy, I’m more passionate about my work than ever. Nothing brings me greater joy than seeing you spread your wings, take your power back, and learn to heal yourself.
Whether you choose to get a Tru Belief Healing session, massage, sound healing, or take one of my many medicinal aromatherapy courses or guided meditations, I look forward to becoming a part of your healing journey!
If you would like more detailed information about my work, please visit my LinkedIn page here.
For any other questions about my work feel free to set up a free 30 minute phone consultation
Or send me an email at john@tru-elements.com